the path effect of this LimitLine that makes dashed lines possible
flag that indicates if this axis / legend is enabled or not
Defines if the renderer should ensure we always see the component fully
label string that is drawn next to the limit line
position of the LimitLine value label (either on the right or on the left edge of the chart). Not supported for RadarChart.
limit / maximum (the y-value or xIndex)
the color of the limit line
the width of the limit line thinner line === better performance, thicker line === worse performance
mthe text size of the labels
the text color to use for the labels
the style of the label text
the typeface used for the labels
the offset in pixels this component has on the x-axis
the offset in pixels this component has on the Y-axis
returns the Typeface used for the labels, returns null if none is set
sets a specific Typeface for the labels
returns the text size that is currently set for the labels, in pixels
sets the size of the label text in density pixels min = 6f, max = 24f, default 10
the text size, in DP
Enables the line to be drawn in dashed mode, e.g. like this "- - - - - -"
the length of the line pieces
the length of space inbetween the pieces
offset, in degrees (normally, use 0)
The limit line is an additional feature for all Line-, Bar- and ScatterCharts. It allows the displaying of an additional line in the chart that marks a certain maximum / limit on the specified axis (x- or y-axis).