This class encapsulates everything both Axis, Legend and LimitLines have in common.

Hierarchy (View Summary)



enabled: boolean

flag that indicates if this axis / legend is enabled or not

ensureVisible: boolean

Defines if the renderer should ensure we always see the component fully

mTextSize: number

the text size of the labels

textColor: string

the text color to use for the labels

typeface: Font

the typeface used for the labels

xOffset: number

the offset in pixels this component has on the x-axis

yOffset: number

the offset in pixels this component has on the Y-axis


  • get font(): Font
  • returns the Typeface used for the labels, returns null if none is set

    Returns Font


  • set font(tf: Font): void
  • sets a specific Typeface for the labels


    • tf: Font

    Returns void

  • get textSize(): number
  • returns the text size that is currently set for the labels, in pixels

    Returns number

  • set textSize(size: number): void
  • sets the size of the label text in density pixels min = 6f, max = 24f, default 10


    • size: number

      the text size, in DP

    Returns void


  • Returns void