interface LoginOptions {
    autoFocus?: boolean;
    beforeShow?: ((options, usernameTextField, passwordTextField) => void);
    passwordHint?: string;
    passwordTextFieldProperties?: Partial<Partial<Pick<TextField, keyof TextField>>>;
    userNameHint?: string;
    usernameTextFieldProperties?: Partial<Partial<Pick<TextField, keyof TextField>>>;


  • LoginOptions
    • LoginOptions


autoFocus?: boolean
beforeShow?: ((options, usernameTextField, passwordTextField) => void)

Optional function to choose if you can validate or not

Type declaration

passwordHint?: string

Gets or sets the default text to display as hint in the password input box.

passwordTextFieldProperties?: Partial<Partial<Pick<TextField, keyof TextField>>>

Optional object to set any property to the username textfield!

userNameHint?: string

Gets or sets the default text to display as hint in the user name input box.

usernameTextFieldProperties?: Partial<Partial<Pick<TextField, keyof TextField>>>

Optional object to set any property to the username textfield!

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