Created by Philipp Jahoda on 21/10/15.

interface ILineRadarDataSet<T extends Entry> {
    axisDependency: AxisDependency;
    color: string | Color;
    colors: (string | Color)[];
    drawFilledEnabled: boolean;
    drawHorizontalHighlightIndicator: boolean;
    drawIconsEnabled: boolean;
    drawValuesEnabled: boolean;
    drawVerticalHighlightIndicator: boolea;
    entryCount: number;
    fillAlpha: number;
    fillColor: any;
    fillDrawable: ImageSource;
    fillShader: any;
    form: LegendForm;
    formLineDashEffect: DashPathEffect;
    formLineWidth: number;
    formSize: number;
    highlightColor: any;
    highlightDashPathEffect: PathEffect;
    highlightEnabled: boolean;
    highlightLineWidth: number;
    iconsOffset: MPPointF;
    label: string;
    lineWidth: number;
    needsFormatter: boolean;
    valueFormatter: IValueFormatter;
    values: T[] | ObservableArray<T>;
    valueTextColor: string | Color;
    valueTextColors: (string | Color)[];
    valueTextSize: number;
    valueTypeface: Font;
    visible: boolean;
    xMax: number;
    xMin: number;
    xProperty: string;
    yMax: number;
    yMin: number;
    yProperty: string;
    addEntry(e: T): boolean;
    addEntryOrdered(e: T): any;
    calcMinMax(): any;
    calcMinMaxYRange(fromX: number, toX: number): any;
    clear(): any;
    contains(entry: T): boolean;
    getColor(index?: number): string | Color;
        xValue: number,
    ): { entry: T; index: number }[];
    getEntriesForXValue(xValue: number): T[] | ObservableArray<T>;
        xValue: number,
        closestToY: number,
        rounding?: Rounding,
    ): { entry: T; index: number };
    getEntryForIndex(index: number): T;
        xValue: number,
        closestToY: number,
        rounding?: Rounding,
    ): T;
    getEntryIndex(e: T): number;
        xValue: number,
        closestToY: number,
        rounding: Rounding,
    ): number;
    getEntryXValue(e: BaseEntry, entryIndex: number): number;
    getEntryYValue(e: T): number;
    getIndexInEntries(xIndex: number): number;
    init(): any;
    removeEntry(e: T): boolean;
    removeEntryAtIndex(index: number): boolean;
    removeEntryByXValue(xValue: number): boolean;
    removeFirst(): boolean;
    removeLast(): boolean;

Type Parameters

Hierarchy (View Summary)


axisDependency: AxisDependency

the axis this DataSet should be plotted against.

color: string | Color
colors: (string | Color)[]

returns all the colors that are set for this DataSet

drawFilledEnabled: boolean

Rtrue if filled drawing is enabled, false if not

drawHorizontalHighlightIndicator: boolean

Returns true if vertical highlight indicator lines are enabled (drawn)

drawIconsEnabled: boolean

Set this to true to draw y-icons on the chart.

NOTE (for bar and line charts): if maxVisibleValueCount is reached, no icons will be drawn even if this is enabled

drawValuesEnabled: boolean

set this to true to draw y-values on the chart.

NOTE (for bar and line charts): if maxVisibleValueCount is reached, no values will be drawn even if this is enabled

drawVerticalHighlightIndicator: boolea

Returns true if vertical highlight indicator lines are enabled (drawn)

entryCount: number

Returns the number of y-values this DataSet represents -> the size of the y-values array -> yvals.length

fillAlpha: number

Returns the alpha value that is used for filling the line surface, default: 85

fillColor: any

Returns the color that is used for filling the line surface area.

fillDrawable: ImageSource

Returns the drawable used for filling the area below the line.

fillShader: any

Returns the shader used for filling the area below the line.

The form to draw for this dataset in the legend.

Return `DEFAULT` to use the default legend form.

formLineDashEffect: DashPathEffect

The line dash path effect used for shapes that consist of lines.

Return `null` to use the default legend form line dash effect.

formLineWidth: number

The line width for drawing the form of this dataset in the legend

Return `Float.NaN` to use the default legend form line width.

formSize: number

The form size to draw for this dataset in the legend.

Return `Float.NaN` to use the default legend form size.

highlightColor: any

Returns the color that is used for drawing the highlight indicators.

highlightDashPathEffect: PathEffect

Returns the DashPathEffect that is used for highlighting.

highlightEnabled: boolean

If set to true, value highlighting is enabled which means that values can be highlighted programmatically or by touch gesture.

highlightLineWidth: number

Returns the line-width in which highlight lines are to be drawn.

iconsOffset: MPPointF

Offset of icons drawn on the chart.

For all charts except Pie and Radar it will be ordinary (x offset,y offset).

For Pie and Radar chart it will be (y offset, distance from center offset); so if you want icon to be rendered under value, you should increase X component of CGPoint, and if you want icon to be rendered closet to center, you should decrease height component of CGPoint.

label: string

the label string that describes the DataSet.

lineWidth: number

the stroke-width of the drawn line

needsFormatter: boolean

Returns true if the valueFormatter object of this DataSet is null.

valueFormatter: IValueFormatter

Sets the formatter to be used for drawing the values inside the chart. If no formatter is set, the chart will automatically determine a reasonable formatting (concerning decimals) for all the values that are drawn inside the chart. Use chart.defaultValueFormatter to use the formatter calculated by the chart.

values: T[] | ObservableArray<T>


Returns the values that belong to DataSet.

valueTextColor: string | Color

Sets the color the value-labels of this DataSet should have.

valueTextColors: (string | Color)[]

Sets a list of colors to be used as the colors for the drawn values.

valueTextSize: number

Sets the text-size of the value-labels of this DataSet in dp.

valueTypeface: Font

Sets a Typeface for the value-labels of this DataSet.

visible: boolean

Set the visibility of this DataSet. If not visible, the DataSet will not be drawn to the chart upon refreshing it.

xMax: number

returns the maximum x-value this DataSet holds

xMin: number

returns the minimum x-value this DataSet holds

xProperty: string
yMax: number

returns the maximum y-value this DataSet holds

yMin: number

returns the minimum y-value this DataSet holds

yProperty: string


  • Adds an Entry to the DataSet dynamically. Entries are added to the end of the list. This will also recalculate the current minimum and maximum values of the DataSet and the value-sum.


    Returns boolean

  • Adds an Entry to the DataSet dynamically. Entries are added to their appropriate index in the values array respective to their x-position. This will also recalculate the current minimum and maximum values of the DataSet and the value-sum.


    Returns any

  • Calculates the minimum and maximum x and y values (mXMin, this.mXMax, this.mYMin, this.mYMax).

    Returns any

  • Calculates the min and max y-values from the Entry closest to the given fromX to the Entry closest to the given toX value. This is only needed for the autoScaleMinMax feature.


    • fromX: number
    • toX: number

    Returns any

  • Removes all values from this DataSet and does all necessary recalculations.

    Returns any

  • Checks if this DataSet contains the specified Entry. Returns true if so, false if not. NOTE: Performance is pretty bad on this one, do not over-use in performance critical situations.


    • entry: T

    Returns boolean

  • Returns the color at the given index of the DataSet's color array. Performs a IndexOutOfBounds check by modulus.


    • Optionalindex: number

    Returns string | Color

  • Returns all Entry objects found at the given x-value with binary search. An empty array if no Entry object at that x-value. INFORMATION: This method does calculations at runtime. Do not over-use in performance critical situations.


    • xValue: number

    Returns { entry: T; index: number }[]

  • Returns all Entry objects found at the given x-value with binary search. An empty array if no Entry object at that x-value. INFORMATION: This method does calculations at runtime. Do not over-use in performance critical situations.


    • xValue: number

    Returns T[] | ObservableArray<T>

  • Returns the first Entry object found at the given x-value with binary search. If the no Entry at the specified x-value is found, this method returns the Entry at the closest x-value according to the rounding. INFORMATION: This method does calculations at runtime. Do not over-use in performance critical situations.


    • xValue: number

      the x-value

    • closestToY: number

      If there are multiple y-values for the specified x-value,

    • Optionalrounding: Rounding

      determine whether to round up/down/closest if there is no Entry matching the provided x-value

    Returns { entry: T; index: number }

  • Returns the Entry object found at the given index (NOT xIndex) in the values array.


    • index: number

    Returns T

  • Returns the first Entry object found at the given x-value with binary search. If the no Entry at the specified x-value is found, this method returns the Entry at the closest x-value according to the rounding. INFORMATION: This method does calculations at runtime. Do not over-use in performance critical situations.


    • xValue: number

      the x-value

    • closestToY: number

      If there are multiple y-values for the specified x-value,

    • Optionalrounding: Rounding

      determine whether to round up/down/closest if there is no Entry matching the provided x-value

    Returns T

  • Returns the position of the provided entry in the DataSets Entry array. Returns -1 if doesn't exist.


    Returns number

  • Returns the first Entry index found at the given x-value with binary search. If the no Entry at the specified x-value is found, this method returns the Entry at the closest x-value according to the rounding. INFORMATION: This method does calculations at runtime. Do not over-use in performance critical situations.


    • xValue: number

      the x-value

    • closestToY: number

      If there are multiple y-values for the specified x-value,

    • rounding: Rounding

      determine whether to round up/down/closest if there is no Entry matching the provided x-value

    Returns number

  • Parameters

    • e: BaseEntry
    • entryIndex: number

    Returns number

  • This method returns the actual index in the Entry array of the DataSet for a given xIndex. IMPORTANT: This method does calculations at runtime, do not over-use in performance critical situations.


    • xIndex: number

    Returns number

  • Removes an Entry from the DataSets entries array. This will also recalculate the current minimum and maximum values of the DataSet and the value-sum. Returns true if an Entry was removed, false if no Entry could be removed.


    Returns boolean

  • Removes the Entry object at the given index in the values array from the DataSet. Returns true if an Entry was removed, false if no Entry could be removed.


    • index: number

    Returns boolean

  • Removes the Entry object closest to the given x-value from the DataSet. Returns true if an Entry was removed, false if no Entry could be removed.


    • xValue: number

    Returns boolean

  • Removes the first Entry (at index 0) of this DataSet from the entries array. Returns true if successful, false if not.

    Returns boolean

  • Removes the last Entry (at index size-1) of this DataSet from the entries array. Returns true if successful, false if not.

    Returns boolean