Transformer class for the HorizontalBarChart.

Hierarchy (View Summary)



mMatrixOffset: Matrix

matrix for handling the different offsets of the chart

mMatrixValueToPx: Matrix

matrix to map the values to the screen pixels

mPixelToValueMatrixBuffer: Matrix
mValuePointsForGenerateTransformedValues: TypedArray
mValuePointsForGenerateTransformedValuesBubble: TypedArray
mValuePointsForGenerateTransformedValuesCandle: TypedArray
mValuePointsForGenerateTransformedValuesScatter: TypedArray
mViewPortHandler: ViewPortHandler


  • Transforms an List of Entry into a let array containing the x and y values transformed with all matrices for the BUBBLECHART.


    Returns { count: number; points: number[] | TypedArray }

  • Transforms an List of Entry into a float array containing the x and y values transformed with all matrices for the BUBBLECHART.


    Returns { count: number; points: number[] | TypedArray }

  • Transforms an List of Entry into a let array containing the x and y values transformed with all matrices for the CANDLESTICKCHART.


    Returns { count: number; points: number[] | TypedArray }

  • Transforms an List of Entry into a let array containing the x and y values transformed with all matrices for the SCATTERCHART.


    Returns { count: number; points: number[] | TypedArray }

  • Returns Matrix

  • Returns a recyclable MPPointD instance. Returns the x and y coordinates (pixels) for a given x and y value in the chart.


    • x: any
    • y: any

    Returns { x: number; y: number }

  • Returns Matrix

  • Returns a recyclable MPPointD instance. returns the x and y values in the chart at the given touch point (encapsulated in a MPPointD). This method transforms pixel coordinates to coordinates / values in the chart. This is the opposite method to getPixelForValues(...).


    • x: any
    • y: any
    • OptionaloutputPoint: any

    Returns any

  • Parameters

    • matrix: Matrix
    • pts: number[] | TypedArray

    Returns void

  • Transforms multiple paths will all matrices.


    • paths: Path[]

    Returns void

  • transform a path with all the given matrices VERY IMPORTANT: keep order to value-touch-offset


    • path: Path

    Returns void

  • Transforms the given array of touch positions (pixels) (x, y, x, y, ...) into values on the chart.


    • pixels: any

    Returns void

  • Transform an array of points with all matrices. VERY IMPORTANT: Keep matrix order "value-touch-offset" when transforming.


    • pts: number[] | TypedArray

    Returns void

  • Prepares the matrix that contains all offsets.


    • inverted: any

    Returns void

  • Prepares the matrix that transforms values to pixels. Calculates the scale factors from the charts size and offsets.


    • xChartMin: any
    • deltaX: any
    • deltaY: any
    • yChartMin: any

    Returns void

  • Transform a rectangle with all matrices with potential animation phases.


    • r: Rect
    • phaseY: any

    Returns void

  • Parameters

    • r: Rect
    • phaseY: any

    Returns void

  • transforms multiple rects with all matrices


    • rects: Rect[]

    Returns void

  • Transform a rectangle with all matrices.


    • r: any

    Returns void

  • Transform a rectangle with all matrices with potential animation phases.


    • r: Rect
    • OptionalphaseY: any

    Returns void