An object pool for recycling of object instances extending Poolable.

Cost/Benefit : Cost - The pool can only contain objects extending Poolable. Benefit - The pool can very quickly determine if an object is elligable for storage without iteration. Benefit - The pool can also know if an instance of Poolable is already stored in a different pool instance. Benefit - The pool can grow as needed, if it is empty Cost - However, refilling the pool when it is empty might incur a time cost with sufficiently large capacity. Set the replenishPercentage to a lower number if this is a concern.

Created by Tony Patino on 6/20/16.

Type Parameters


  • Type Parameters


    • withCapacity: any
    • object: T

    Returns ObjectPool<T>


  • Returns an instance of Poolable. If get() is called with an empty pool, the pool will be replenished. If the pool capacity is sufficiently large, this could come at a performance cost.

    Returns T

    An instance of Poolable object T

  • Returns the capacity of this object pool. Note : The pool will automatically resize to contain additional objects if the user tries to add more objects than the pool's capacity allows, but this comes at a performance cost.

    Returns number

    The capacity of the pool.

  • Returns the number of objects remaining in the pool, for diagnostic purposes.

    Returns any

    The number of objects remaining in the pool.

  • Returns the id of the given pool instance.

    Returns any

    an integer ID belonging to this pool instance.

  • Returns any

  • Recycle an instance of Poolable that this pool is capable of generating. The T instance passed must not already exist inside this or any other ObjectPool instance.


    • object: T | T[]

      An object of type T to recycle

    Returns void

  • Set the percentage of the pool to replenish on empty. Valid values are between 0.00 and 1.00


    • percentage: any

      a value between 0 and 1, representing the percentage of the pool to replenish.

    Returns this

  • Returns an ObjectPool instance, of a given starting capacity, that recycles instances of a given Poolable object.

    Type Parameters


    • withCapacity: any

      A positive integer value.

    • object: T

      An instance of the object that the pool should recycle.

    Returns ObjectPool<T>