Created by philipp on 10/06/16.

Type Parameters

Hierarchy (View Summary)




mChart: T

instance of the data-provider

mHighlightBuffer: Highlight<Entry>[]

buffer for storing previously highlighted values


  • An array of Highlight objects corresponding to the selected xValue and dataSetIndex.


    • set: IDataSet<Entry>
    • dataSetIndex: any
    • touchX: any
    • touchY: any
    • xVal: any
    • rounding: any

    Returns Highlight<Entry>[]

  • Returns the Highlight of the DataSet that contains the closest value on the y-axis.


    • closestValues: Highlight<Entry>[]

      contains two Highlight objects per DataSet closest to the selected x-position (determined by rounding up an down)

    • x: number
    • y: number
    • minSelectionDistance: number
    • Optionalaxis: AxisDependency

      the closest axis

    Returns Highlight<Entry>

  • Calculates the distance between the two given points.


    • x1: number
    • y1: number
    • x2: number
    • y2: number

    Returns number

  • Returns a Highlight object corresponding to the given x- and y- touch positions in pixels.


    • x: any
    • y: any

    Returns Highlight<Entry>[]

  • Returns the corresponding Highlight for a given xVal and x- and y-touch position in pixels.


    • xVal: any
    • x: any
    • y: any

    Returns Highlight<Entry>[]

  • Parameters

    Returns number

  • Returns a list of Highlight objects representing the entries closest to the given xVal. The returned list contains two objects per DataSet (closest rounding up, closest rounding down).


    • xVal: any

      the transformed x-value of the x-touch position

    • Optionalx: any
    • Optionaly: any

    Returns Highlight<Entry>[]

  • Returns the minimum distance from a touch value (in pixels) to the closest value (in pixels) that is displayed in the chart.


    Returns number

  • Returns a recyclable MPPointD instance. Returns the corresponding xPos for a given touch-position in pixels.


    • x: any
    • y: any

    Returns any

  • Returns sorted highlights based on distance to touch x,y


    • closestValues: Highlight<Entry>[]

      contains two Highlight objects per DataSet closest to the selected x-position (determined by rounding up an down)

    • x: number
    • y: number
    • minSelectionDistance: number
    • Optionalaxis: AxisDependency

      the closest axis

    Returns Highlight<Entry>[]