Created by Philipp Jahoda on 11/07/15.

Type Parameters

Hierarchy (View Summary)




axisDependency: AxisDependency

this specifies which axis this DataSet should be plotted against

color: string | Color
colors: (string | Color)[]

List representing all colors that are used for this DataSet

drawHorizontalHighlightIndicator: boolean

Enables / disables the horizontal highlight-indicator. If disabled, the indicator is not drawn.

drawIconsEnabled: boolean

if true, y-icons are drawn on the chart

drawValuesEnabled: boolean

if true, y-values are drawn on the chart

drawVerticalHighlightIndicator: boolean

Enables / disables the vertical highlight-indicator. If disabled, the indicator is not drawn.

fillShader: any

the shader to be used for filling the line surface

The form to draw for this dataset in the legend.

Return `DEFAULT` to use the default legend form.

formLineDashEffect: any

The line dash path effect used for shapes that consist of lines.

Return `null` to use the default legend form line dash effect.

formLineWidth: number

The line width for drawing the form of this dataset in the legend

Return `Float.NaN` to use the default legend form line width.

formSize: number

The form size to draw for this dataset in the legend.

Return `Float.NaN` to use the default legend form size.

highlightColor: string | Color

Sets the color that is used for drawing the highlight indicators. Dont forget to resolve the color using getResources().getColor(...) or new Color(255, ...).

highlightDashPathEffect: any

the path effect for dashed highlight-lines

highlightEnabled: boolean

if true, value highlightning is enabled

highlightLineWidth: number

the width of the highlight indicator lines

iconProperty: string

property to access the "icon" value of an entry for this set

iconsOffset: { x: number; y: number }

the offset for drawing icons (in dp)

label: string

label that describes the DataSet or the data the DataSet represents

mCanCalculateMinMax: boolean
mValues: T[] | ObservableArray<T>

the entries that this DataSet represents / holds together

mXMax: number

maximum x-value in the value array

mXMin: number

minimum x-value in the value array

mYMax: number

maximum y-value in the value array

mYMin: number

minimum y-value in the value array

spaceBottom: number

data space from the smallest value to the bottom in percent of the total axis range

spaceTop: number

data space from the highest value to the top in percent of the total axis range

valueColors: (string | Color)[]

List representing all colors that are used for drawing the actual values for this DataSet

valueFormatter: ValueFormatter

custom formatter that is used instead of the auto-formatter if set

valuesOffset: { x: number; y: number }

the offset for drawing values (in dp)

valueTextSize: number

the size of the value-text labels

valueTypeface: Font

the typeface used for the value text

visible: boolean

flag that indicates if the DataSet is visible or not

xProperty: string

property to access the "x" value of an entry for this set

yProperty: string

property to access the "y" value of an entry for this set


  • set drawHighlightIndicators(enabled: any): void
  • Enables / disables both vertical and horizontal highlight-indicators.


    • enabled: any

    Returns void

  • get entryCount(): number
  • Returns the number of y-values this DataSet represents -> the size of the y-values array -> yvals.length

    Returns number

  • get needsFormatter(): boolean
  • Returns boolean

  • get values(): T[] | ObservableArray<T>
  • Returns the array of entries that this DataSet represents.

    Returns T[] | ObservableArray<T>

  • set values(values: T[] | ObservableArray<T>): void
  • Sets the array of entries that this DataSet represents, and calls notifyDataSetChanged()


    • values: T[] | ObservableArray<T>

    Returns void

  • set valueTextColor(color: any): void
  • Sets the color the value-labels of this DataSet should have.


    • color: any

    Returns void

  • set valueTextColors(colors: any): void
  • Sets a list of colors to be used as the colors for the drawn values.


    • colors: any

    Returns void

  • get xMax(): number
  • returns the maximum x-value this DataSet holds

    Returns number

  • get xMin(): number
  • returns the minimum x-value this DataSet holds

    Returns number

  • get yMax(): number
  • returns the maximum y-value this DataSet holds

    Returns number

  • get yMin(): number
  • returns the minimum y-value this DataSet holds

    Returns number


  • Adds a new color to the colors array of the DataSet.


    • value: string | Color

    Returns void

  • Updates the min and max x and y value of this DataSet based on the given Entry.


    • Optionale: T
    • Optionalindex: number

    Returns void

  • Enables the highlight-line to be drawn in dashed mode, e.g. like this "- - - - - -"


    • lineLength: any

      the length of the line pieces

    • spaceLength: any

      the length of space inbetween the line-pieces

    • phase: any

      offset, in degrees (normally, use 0)

    Returns void

  • Returns the first Entry object found at the given x-value with binary search. If the no Entry at the specified x-value is found, this method returns the Entry at the closest x-value according to the rounding. INFORMATION: This method does calculations at runtime. Do not over-use in performance critical situations.


    • xValue: any

      the x-value

    • closestToY: any

      If there are multiple y-values for the specified x-value,

    • Optionalrounding: Rounding

      determine whether to round up/down/closest if there is no Entry matching the provided x-value

    Returns { entry: T; index: number }

  • Returns the first Entry object found at the given x-value with binary search. If the no Entry at the specified x-value is found, this method returns the Entry at the closest x-value according to the rounding. INFORMATION: This method does calculations at runtime. Do not over-use in performance critical situations.


    • xValue: any

      the x-value

    • closestToY: any

      If there are multiple y-values for the specified x-value,

    • Optionalrounding: Rounding

      determine whether to round up/down/closest if there is no Entry matching the provided x-value

    Returns T

  • Returns the first Entry index found at the given x-value with binary search. If the no Entry at the specified x-value is found, this method returns the Entry at the closest x-value according to the rounding. INFORMATION: This method does calculations at runtime. Do not over-use in performance critical situations.


    • xValue: any

      the x-value

    • closestToY: any

      If there are multiple y-values for the specified x-value,

    • rounding: any

      determine whether to round up/down/closest if there is no Entry matching the provided x-value

    Returns number

  • Removes an Entry from the DataSets entries array. This will also recalculate the current minimum and maximum values of the DataSet and the value-sum. Returns true if an Entry was removed, false if no Entry could be removed.


    Returns boolean

  • Sets a color with a specific alpha value.


    • color: string | Color
    • Optionalalpha: number

      from 0-255

    Returns void

  • Sets colors with a specific alpha value.


    • colors: any
    • Optionalalpha: number

    Returns void