interface VectorTileLayerOptions {
    buildingRenderOrder?: VectorTileRenderOrder;
    clickHandlerLayerFilter?: string;
    clickRadius?: number;
    dataSource?: TileDataSource<any, any>;
    decoder?: VectorTileDecoder;
    labelBlendingSpeed?: number;
    labelRenderOrder?: VectorTileRenderOrder;
    layerBlendingSpeed?: number;
    maxOverzoomLevel?: number;
    maxUnderzoomLevel?: number;
    maxVisibleZoom?: number;
    minVisibleZoom?: number;
    opacity?: number;
    preloading?: boolean;
    rendererLayerFilter?: string;
    synchronizedRefresh?: boolean;
    tileCacheCapacity?: number;
    tileSubstitutionPolicy?: TileSubstitutionPolicy;
    updatePriority?: number;
    visible?: boolean;
    visibleZoomRange?: [number, number];
    zoomLevelBias?: number;

Hierarchy (View Summary)


buildingRenderOrder?: VectorTileRenderOrder

Sets the current display order of the buildings. Default is VECTOR_TILE_RENDER_ORDER_LAYER.

clickHandlerLayerFilter?: string

Sets the click handler layer filter. The filter is given as ECMA regular expression that is applied to qualified layer names. If non-empty, then only layers that pass the filter are tested when handling clicks.

clickRadius?: number

display order of the labels. Default is VECTOR_TILE_RENDER_ORDER_LAYER

dataSource?: TileDataSource<any, any>
labelBlendingSpeed?: number

Sets the relative label blending speed. Default is 1.0. Use zero or negative values to disable blending.

labelRenderOrder?: VectorTileRenderOrder

display order of the labels. Default is VECTOR_TILE_RENDER_ORDER_LAYER

layerBlendingSpeed?: number

Sets the relative layer blending speed. Default is 1.0. Use zero or negative values to disable blending.

maxOverzoomLevel?: number

Sets the maximum overzoom level for this layer. If a tile for the given zoom level Z is not available, SDK will try to use tiles with zoom levels Z-1, ..., Z-MaxOverzoomLevel. The default is 6.

maxUnderzoomLevel?: number
maxVisibleZoom?: number
minVisibleZoom?: number
opacity?: number
preloading?: boolean

Sets the state of preloading for this layer. Preloading allows the downloading of tiles that are not currently visible on screen, but are adjacent to ones that are. This means that the user can pan the map without immediately noticing any missing tiles. Enabling this option might introduce a small performance hit on slower devices. It should also be noted that this will considerably increase network traffic if used with online maps. The default is false.

rendererLayerFilter?: string

Sets the renderer layer filter. The filter is given as ECMA regular expression that is applied to qualified layer names. If non-empty, then only layers that pass the filter are rendered.

synchronizedRefresh?: boolean

Sets the state of the synchronized refresh flag. If disabled all tiles will appear on screen one by one as they finish loading. If enabled the map will wait for all the visible tiles to finish loading and then show them all on screen together. This is useful for animated tiles.

tileCacheCapacity?: number

the vector tile cache capacity in bytes. Tile cache is the primary storage for vector data, all tiles contained within the cache are stored as uncompressed vertex buffers and can immediately be drawn to the screen. Setting the cache size too small may cause artifacts, such as disappearing tiles. The more tiles are visible on the screen, the larger this cache should be. The default is 10MB, which should be enough for most use cases with preloading enabled. If preloading is disabled, the cache size should be reduced by the user to conserve memory.

tileSubstitutionPolicy?: TileSubstitutionPolicy
updatePriority?: number
visible?: boolean
visibleZoomRange?: [number, number]
zoomLevelBias?: number

Sets the zoom level bias for this layer. Higher zoom level bias forces SDK to use more detailed tiles for given view compared to lower zoom bias. The default bias is 0.