Type Alias GenericGeoLocation<T>

GenericGeoLocation: { [P in keyof T]: number } & {
    age?: number;
    android?: any;
    bearing: number;
    elapsedBoot?: number;
    horizontalAccuracy: number;
    ios?: any;
    mslAltitude?: number;
    provider?: string;
    speed: number;
    timestamp: number;
    verticalAccuracy: number;

Type Parameters

Type declaration

  • Optionalage?: number

    the location age from the moment it was received

  • Optionalandroid?: any

    The android-specific location object.

  • bearing: number

    The bearing (course), in degrees.

  • OptionalelapsedBoot?: number

    the location time in elapsed ms since boot (lot more accurate)

  • horizontalAccuracy: number

    The horizontal accuracy, in meters.

  • Optionalios?: any

    The ios-specific CLLocation object.

  • OptionalmslAltitude?: number

    [android only]: nmea altitude

  • Optionalprovider?: string

    [android only]: the provider of the location

  • speed: number

    The speed, in meters/second over ground.

  • timestamp: number

    The time at which this location was determined in ms since epoch

  • verticalAccuracy: number

    The vertical accuracy, in meters.